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Canada Tourist visa

Trying to expand your Business abroad.Get your business Visa right the first time.

About Canada Tourist Visa

Here we will let you know all about the requirements for Canada tourist Visa and also about your eligibility for it.


  • Overview
  • Eligibility Criteria
  • Documentation Requirements
  • Application Process
  • Cost and Processing
  • How can Royal Services help?

All about Canada Tourist Visa

Want to visit Canada as a tourist, or for a business trip, come to us and we will help you to apply for your tourist visa for Canada through which you can apply for a visa for the extent of 6 months.

Canada Tourist visa, like any other tourist Visa, is an official document attached to your Canadian passport. It is proof that you have met the requirements to enter the country as a temporary resident (either as a visitor, a student, or a worker). It is officially referred to as a Temporary Resident Visa (TRV)

There are basically 2 types of Canada Tourist visa:

  • Single entry visa : Single entry visas are granted for a period of up to 6 months
  • Multiple-entry visa: Multiple-entry visitor visas are granted for up to 10 years or one month prior to the expiry date on the passport or re-entry visa (whichever date comes first).

Eligibility requirements

  • A valid passport
  • Proof of good health
  • No criminal history or immigration-related convictions
  • Proof that you intend on returning to your home country (stating you have ties such as a job, home, financial assets or family)
  • Proof of funds to sustain you during your stay
  • Intended duration of your stay and temporary residence

Documentation required

Following are the basic documentations required while applying for Canadian Study Visa:

  • A valid passport with an expiry date exceeding 6 months
  • Documents to prove your ties to your nation country
  • 2 recent passport size photographs with a white background having no borders
  • The photograph must not be more than 90 days old
  • Medical clearance certificate
  • Photocopy of your return ticket and/or travel itinerary
  • Bank statements to prove you have enough funds to live in Canada for a while.


While each country has different requirements, there are certain documents which almost all of them ask for. These include:

  • A valid passport
  • Travel itinerary including accommodation and flight details
  • Business and professional credentials
  • Academic credentials
  • Evidence supporting that you plan to return to your base country after conducting your business
  • Evidence of adequate financial resources
  • Medical examination and evidence of adequate insurance
  • Filled application with enclosed fee
Apply For Visa